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Technical Papers Plastics
自动回收。How robots make their way in recycling

自动回收。How robots make their way in recycling

The latest in Recycling: Robot Uses Artificial Intelligence to Sort Recyclables
2011年,这家芬兰公司Zen Robotics首次在废物管理现场,其机器人废物分子。他们的系统结合了计算机视觉,机器学习,人工智能(AI)来运行同步机器人臂,从移动的输送带进行排序和挑选回收的材料。该公司因在神经网络中捆绑在一起的回收站而打破了地面,并且从实时饲料提供了从金属传感器,3D激光摄像机和光谱摄像头的实时饲料中学到的AI,以从皮带中选择和分类正确的项目。
Sadako Technologies of Spain has been working on an AI-infused garbage sorting system on a smaller scale. The company uses proprietary algorithms that connect to a multi-layer neural network system which lives in the cloud.
According to Resource Recycling, Clarke uses an off-shelf robot that's been in use for two decades in other industries. Clarke, installed in 2016, has constantly improved its recycling skills, grabbing approximately 60 cartons per minute with near perfect accuracy. Clarke has been programmed to recognize images from the cartons including logos and package printing which it applies to the next round of sorting and grabbing. The Clarke system has the ability to sort at super-human speeds, diverting material for re-processing that might otherwise end up in landfill., Clarke's vision system combined with the ability for recyclers to identify and sort new material better and at the same time, sort on the line next to people, will make the difference in adoption.
This robot in Japan helps to save the environment by sorting plastic using lasers.
This will allow for more than 45% of the total household plastic used to be recycled rather than burned.
Mitsubishi, IDEC, and Osaka University have teamed up to help with Japan's recycling problems. They've built a 1.7m x 2.1m (5'6" x 6'9") robot that sorts plastic using lasers. The new robot would be able to sort six different plastic types, including PE and PP plastics which comprise 45% of the total, are not discernible by eye, and which are normally burned with other refuse. With millions of Japanese households generating millions of tons of plastic trash, adopting the robot for use in homes could make a big positive impact on the environment. A smaller version of the robot for home use is under development by IDEC, with a target cost around � 5 million . Recycling plastic is just one more chore that robots have conquered on the path to creating a completely automated house.
Sameer Joshi博士
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