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Warning Text %XTableStyleMedium9PivotStyleLight16`J HDPE & LLDPE#6 LDPE & EVA & ALL DEEM RATE-Terms & condition  ;h  ; g ;SHZ HDHZ/NC HDNC HDHZ LLDM60200M60075L60075E52009EE20B56003F46003F56003E41003S42005F18010F19010F22020F18020O19010O21010O20010O35042R35042 UTL GRADESE24065M26500M24300UEUMUFURUMLLGSPSLocation & Grades Vapi/ValsadUdaipurJalgaonPuneDamanSilvassaDehradunPanipatBaddiChennai(Tiruvallur) PondicherryKolkatta20FS01020FS02020FA02036RA045 36RA045UVGC HD50MA18053MA02053EA01055EF01054GB01252GB00352GB00252GB00150GF00352GF00446GP00945GP00446GP003UENCBC LDBC/NC LDNC LD24FS04022FA00216MA40023FY00524FA0401070LA171020FA201003FA201005FY20GradeRs/MT.USD/MT. 46GP009UV24BA00820XL0201035FS20Deemed Export PricesDeemed Export Prices for SEZMumbai(Bhiwandi/Bhokerpada)GRADEStep - 1Step - 2BASICLESS : CASH DISCOUNTS TOTAL TAX : TOTALLESS : POST SALES DISC Step - 3QTYValueStep - 4LOCATIONDE Basic Price  RIL Terms & conditionDRs.1000/- as penalty for the 1st day of default in a calendar month,Rs.1000/- as penalty per instrument returned Locations NagothaneDAMAN NANI DAMANPUNESILVASSAUMERGAONWAIHaziraPANIPATBADDIGandharJALGAON PONDICHERY FARIDABAD ROHTAKCHENNAI TIRUVALLURDEHRADUNSITARGANJ/HARIDWAR /ROORKEEAhmedabad-JetalpurBarodaChennai-SripreumbudurM24200Basic Price Ex Depot (Rs/MT)Basic Price Ex Plant (Rs/MT)Ex Works Ahmedabad AurangabadChennaiKolkataMumbai PuducherryValsadNC LLDPERs/MT NC UtilityPrice Calculation of DEPOTBPRICE CALCULATION FOR EXAMPLE :- Grade - B56003 & Location - DAMAN!Price Calculation of HAZIRA PLANTADD : FREIGHT ( As per Plant)Bhiwandi20FA010/ 20DS0107DESTINATION FREIGHT CHARGES - PER/MT w.e.f. 01/01/20173243 /3136 /31293823 /3785/ 38383109 /2992 /2991$Basic Prices (Rs/MT) /Basic Price Ex Plant (Rs/MT) B60003 HD50MA180 HD53EA010 HD53MA020 LL20DS010 LL20FA010 LL20FA020 LL20FS010 LL20FS020 LL24FA030 LL36RA045 LL36RA045UVHDPELLDPELDPEADD : GST CHARGE 18%pWe are enclosing herewith location wise Prices for Domestic/Deemed Exports (Incl. SEZ) Sales of different grades A Basic Price1. Pricing policy for Gradewise Ex-Factory supplies (I.e. Prices as per respective Pricing Zone) is enclosed as per Annexures I, II,~III & IV and for Ex-Depot supplies (I.e.Basic Price) is as enclosed as per Annexures V & VI for PE grades from Hazira, Baroda,Dahej & Nagothane plants.w2. Prices for supplies against contracts will be as per mutually agreed terms & conditions specific to the contracts.B GSTIn case of ex-factory sale, GST is applicable at the time of supply on basic price as per Price Circular. In case of Ex-Depot sale,GGST is applicable at the time of supply as per respective depot prices.uFor stock transfers from Factory to Depot, GST will be paid on the price applicable at Depot on the date of dispatch.}For stock transfers from one Depot to another, GST will be paid on the price applicable at the Consignor Depot on the date of dispatch.C Road Permit/E-Way Bill+As per E-Way Bill prescribed under GST Act. D FreightXThe destination-wise freight rates are applicable as per Freight Circular issued by GTA.Ex-Factory sale:ahGoods will be dispatched on Freight To Pay basis to be paid directly by the Customer to the Transporter.bIn case customer desires RIL to arrange transportation, the freight will be charged in the Invoice along with the material cost}by applying same GST rate as applicable for that material. In that case the Consignment Note shall be issued showing PLGST as "Consignor".cSFor Ex-Factory sales, unloading at customers' end will be arranged by the customer.3. For Ex-Depot sales, customer will be responsible for arranging transportation from RIL depot to its destination and shall dischargeIfreight & applicable GST thereon (Including Loading & Unloading charges). E Packaging.Prices are inclusive of packing as applicable.F"Discounts (Domestic Supplies Only)oFor cash sale, Cash Discount (CD) @ Rs.800/MT is applicable on all grades except plant sweepings & waste gradesSand will be deducted from the Basic Price as per Price Circular for payment of GST.|An Early Payment Incentive (EPI) @ Rs.80/MT/DAY will be applicable on credit sales for payment received before the due datesubject to a maximum of 9 days. Page 1 of 4763. Trade Discount - Quantity (TD-Q) for HDPE / LLDPEFOR EX-FACTORY & EX-FOR EX-FACTORYDEPOT SUPPLIESSUPPLIES PRE SUPPLY QUANTITY SLABPOST SUPPLY DISCOUNTDISCOUNT MT Per Month >= 10 < 30 >= 30 < 60 >= 60 < 100 >= 100 < 200 >= 200 < 300 >= 300 < 400>= 400*tFor Contracts, Pre Determined Trade Discount - Quantity can be netted off from the Price as per Pricing Zone itself.VFor this the customer will have to enter into a Contract as per the prescribed format.yTrade Discount - Quantity can be granted starting with first despatch itself, based on the contracts, for payment of GST.fApplicability: Prime & Non-Prime grades on monthly lifting basis except Utility, Sweepings, Waste andPolyethylene Powder.d0No combination of HDPE and LLDPE grades allowed.ePIn case of intermediate slab the nearest lower slab discount will be applicable.f|Trade Discount - Quantity when not contracted, to be settled by credit note after completion of lifting on Post Supply basisin the following month.gwTD - Quantity is not applicable for Deemed Exports. Also, Deemed Exports quantity not to be clubbed with domestic sales%quantity for TD-Quantity Eligibility.h|Combined Lifting of the Customer's Group Companies will be taken into account for determining the slabs of Quantity DiscountNEligibility and *any other Trade Discount-Quantity as per management approval.icSlabs will be worked out by taking into account domestic offtake from all Plants and Depots of RIL.gTrade Discount - Performance/Rate Difference/Regional/Grade/Others is as per scheme announced/approval.G Dealer SuppliesWDealers will be entitled for Trade Discount - Dealers @ Rs.350/MT on Post Supply basis.%Trade Discount - Quantity is as under-Trade Discount - Quantity for Dealer SuppliesFor HDPE Sales>= 10MT < 30MT>= 30MT < 60MT>= 60MTFor LLDPE Sales>= 10MTkTrade Discount- Quantity for supplies to dealers is applicable for all Prime and Non-Prime grades as above.mFor Ex-Factory & Ex-Depot sale the discount will be given Post Sale through Credit Notes wherever applicable.H The company reserves the right to pay or adjust Post Supply Discounts, through any financial asset, directly or through any other,party/agent without requiring any reference. Page 2 of 47IGroup CompaniesvCustomers registered as Group in RIL books shall be considered for Quantity Discount, Performance Scheme and any Other0Discounts as per prevailing policy / guidelines.J Credit PolicyTerms of PaymentRFor Domestic supplies: 10 days interest free credit for both Customers and Dealers8For Deemed Exports supplies (Including Supplies to SEZ):Li. For supplies under LC: 10 days Interest Free Credit period for Customerswii. For supplies under E- Payment: 5 days interest free credit(Payment has to be made through E-Payment /Other approvedpayment method)Yiii. In case of L/C payment (DE Sale), applicable Usance interest rates will be as undera) Upto 60 Days:DE (Inc SEZ) Sale 12% per annumb) 61-90 days 15% per annum4iv. Acceptance of LC's > 60 days at RIL discretion.^v. GST will be charged on Usance Interest as per the rates applicable for the goods under GST.Delayed Payment ChargesWIf payment is not received as per the payment terms, interest will be charged as below:Ta For Cash Sale @ 36% per annum for the delayed period from the Date of InvoiceFor Credit Sale :i. In case Cheque / E-p<aymentFirst 15 days after IFC!21% per annum (After IFC Period)16 days to 30 days(24% per annum (From the date of Invoice)>30 days(27% per annum (From the date of Invoice)Oii. In case of L/C payment, delayed Payment after usance period @ 23% per annumhFor Deemed Export (Inc SEZ) orders under E.T. (Electronic Transfer) - @ 25% per annum for delayed periodcGST will be charged on Delayed Payment Charges as per the rates applicable for the goods under GST.K Penalty for ET failure1. aMRs.2500/- as penalty for every subsequent defaults in the same calendar monthPenalty for Cheque DishonouredSGST will be charged on penalty as per the rates applicable for the goods under GST.L Cut & Torn BagsPost Supply discount of Rs.800/MT would be given on actual weight basis whenever such material is sold ex-depots as cut and tornbags.M Transit InsuranceExisting policy & procedure on Transit Insurance in case of Material shortage/damage in transit will continue & there is no change. Page 3 of 47N Deemed Exports -MDeemed Export supplies will only be Ex-Factory to Customer & assisted by DCA.All supplies to Deemed Export customers will be under contract. Prices for supplies against contracts will be as per mutually agreed-terms & conditions specific to the contracts.3. Deemed Export supplies to EOU/Against Advance License (excluding supplies to SEZ) will be treated at par with DTA supplies%and GST will be leived as applicable.wGradewise Ex Works Deemed Export Prices for Hazira, Dahej, Baroda & Nagothane are as per Annexure III, subject to theirhsubject to their complying with the procedures for obtaining supplies with reference to Advance License.fDeemed Exports are not eligible for Cash Discount, EPI, Trade Discounts (all) and any Other Discounts.fDeemed Export quantity shall not be clubbed with Domestic sales quantity for any discount eligibility.4Supplies will be under payment of GST as applicable.It is re-emphasized that the full (duly checked) set of Deemed Export documents should be received at HO for processing as per theguidelines issued.O Supply to SEZNSupply to SEZ Customers will only be Ex-Factory to Customer & assisted by DCA.All supplies to SEZ Customers will be under contract. Prices for supplies against contracts will be as per mutually agreed terms &%conditions specific to the contracts.nSupply to SEZ will be against Bill Of Export & such supplies will be zero rated. These supplies are consideredKas Physical Exports for the purpose of Foreign Trade Policy (FTP) Benefits.vGradewise Ex Works Deemed Export Prices for Hazira, Dahej, Baroda & Nagothane are as per Annexure IV, subject to theirXcomplying with the procedures for obtaining supplies with reference to advance licenses.gSupplies to SEZ are not eligible for cash discount, EPI, Trade Discounts (all) and any Other Discounts.hSupplies to SEZ quantity shall not be clubbed with Domestic sales quantity for any discount eligibility.GST liability-All supplies to SEZ will be zero rated and customer to hand over prescribed document giving proof /updation in Govt. portal forreceipt of material in SEZ.OFor Duty Forgone purpose GST liability will be calculated on Transaction Value.It is re-emphasized that the full (duly checked) set of documents should be received at HO for processing as per the guidelinesissued.POLYMER ENTERPRIESE (INDIA) PVT. LTD. DCA - RELEANCE INDUSTRIES LTD. RIL PE Price List w.e.f 14.09.2017POLYMER ENTERPRIESE (INDIA) PVT. LTD. DCA - RELEANCE INDUSTRIES LTD. RIL PE Price List w.e.f 14.09.2017O30042'DEEMED EXPORT PRICES W. 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