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Somaiya Vidyavihar University Organised a National Symposium on Polymer Science and Technology


Somaiya Vidyavihar University Organised a National Symposium on Polymer Science and Technology
~。& K Somaiya学院高分子科学的社会India Organised this event on the occasion of Padma Shri Dr S. Sivaram’s 75th Birthday~

孟买,2022年5月9日:Somaiya Vidyavihar大学在2022年5月6日和7日在聚合物科学和技术举办了为期2天的国家研讨会活动。,S K Somaiya学院。就职典礼由孟买FRS化学技术学院M M Sharma教授提供。紧随其后的是新德里科学与工业研究委员会的R Mashelkar博士的主题演讲浦那科学与工业研究-Antination化学实验室理事会Ashish K Lele博士。

研讨会的一个特殊特征是纪念国家化学实验室浦那前董事S. Sivaram博士75岁生日的Festschrift会议。他是印度聚合物科学学会的创始成员之一,并为印度的聚合物科学纪律发展做出了重大贡献。此外,皇家化学学会还组织了特殊的捐赠讲座。

The symposium offered opportunities for academicians, researchers, and industrial practitioners in the diverse fields of Polymer Science and Technology to get together, present and discuss the recent academic and industrial innovations. Spread over two days, it featured plenary talks, invited lectures, discussions, and deliberations by eminent speakers from academia and industry across India. The event was supported by a large number of industry giants across sectors like Reliance Industries Limited, Pidilite Industries, PRAJ Industries, American Chemical Society, Gharda Chemicals Limited & Royal Society of Chemistry. Some of the topics that were discussed during the event consisted of Polymer Synthesis and Characterisation, Polyolefins, Rheology and Polymer Processing, New Chemical Processes for Polymer Synthesis, Polymer Additives, Supramolecular Polymers, Sustainability among many others.

孟买化学技术研究所M M M Sharma教授在活动上说:“聚合物具有惊人的特性,有时识别其应用是奇怪的。大流行为聚合物带来了多种多样的和不可或缺的性能。从手套到围裙再到注射器,一切都由聚合物组成。纳米材料在可再生能源和可持续性应用的技术中的利用继续代表了学术和商业研究的重要领域。这将导致聚合物领域的重大突破。工程塑料已经彻底改变了,聚合物近来已经看到了科学技术的严格性。从军用飞机到民用飞机和服务行业都从聚合物中受益。合成聚合物在医学中起着至关重要的作用,生物塑料可以取代该领域的常规塑料。聚合物将成为塑料的更大解决方案,并将在未来发挥重要作用。透明

国家化学实验室浦那的前董事Padma Shri Shri Shri Shivaram博士分享了自己的想法,他说:“行业学术界是一种关系,而不仅仅是合同;现在是我们投资建立关系的时候。在产生信任和信仰上投入时间是实现生命和事物的重要立场的关键因素,这是非常短暂的。由塑料行业生产的聚合物见证了全球市场的巨大增长,并为建筑和建筑,电子产品等广泛的行业提供服务,并且在垂直行业(例如食品,饮料和包装)中需求很高,ETC。”

V.N.Rajasekharan Pillai-副校长Somaiya Vidyavihar大学说:“我们非常荣幸地与聚合物行业领域的一些知名人士建立联系。聚合物科学系提供了一项破坏行业 - academia教授的计划,旨在为学生提供聚合物领域的专业技能。我们欣喜若狂,让这些行业发言人分享他们的个人和专业旅程,并激发学生探索聚合物科学领域。”

A poster session was planned for the participants to showcase their scientific work and participate in the best poster awards which included 8 different categories. A few abstracts were selected by the organising committee for oral presentation. This provided an opportunity for teachers and students to interact with Leaders of the Academia and Industry.

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