Lohia Mechatronik kabra plastic extrusion machinery 用于主机的使用复合线 Lohia-tape-plant 希科 Mamta 依赖组件
Lohia Mechatronik
kabra plastic extrusion machinery




代表以下协会向印度政府向化学和石化部门提出建议: -

S.不 Name 协会的名称
1 贾加特·基拉瓦拉(Jagat Killawala)先生,总统 全印度塑料制造商协会(AIPMA)
2 Mr. Dharmendra Gandhi, President Organisation Of Plastics Processors Of India (OPPI)
3 总裁Shailesh Patel先生 古吉拉特邦塑料制造商协会(GSPMA)
4 Mr. Ramesh Kr. Rateria, President 印度塑料联合会(IPF)
5 Rakkappan先生,总裁 泰米尔纳德邦塑料制造商协会(TAPMA)
6 Mr. Vijay Kumar V, President Karnataka State Plastic Association (KSPA)
7 总裁Balakrishna Bhat Kakunje先生 喀拉拉邦塑料制造商协会(KPMA)
8 Mr. Vimalesh Gupta, President Telangana和Andhra塑料制造商协会(TAAPMA)

The following recommendations are part of the Business continuity plan and would help the plastics processing industry to ultimately grow in midst of a ‘New Normal’ post lockdown. Consideration of the following would also help the Plastics processing industry in playing an important role in ‘Make in India’.

S. 主要问题 Suggestions / Recommendations


Custom Duty on Polymer


一种。在经历了CPMA主席4月7日在FICCI会议上进行的演讲,并随后与处理器进行了讨论,所有塑料协会都认为应保持现状W.R.T W.R.T的聚合物定制义务(进口税不变)。由于当前导致衰退的全球危机,消费者需求将被压制。但是,聚合物的价格较低,因此负担得起的塑料成品可能会提高需求,因此可以帮助保留450万个塑料处理领域的工作岗位。这也可以在某种程度上弥补由于经济衰退而导致的消费量。这也可能会提高需求,因此可以在塑料处理领域创造大量就业机会。较低的聚合物ag万博官网价格可以帮助50,000多个塑料处理单元来管理其营运资金和流动性问题,因此将在某种程度上缓解压力和问题。


C。石油价格和美元价格是波动的,最多应考虑3个月的平均值。3个月的数据仅显示6%的下降率。在这个充满挑战的时间,这并不保证关于自定义职责的任何政策变更。此外,对于预测印度预测的最终V Shape Recovery,强烈建议将整合到全球定价。

d。Processing industry is already facing the problem of cost management due to appreciation of Dollar by about 7 percent in last few weeks leading to increase in import price of polymers.

e. Due to the current global crisis leading to recession, consumer demand is going to be suppressed. However, lower price of polymer and therefore affordable plastics finished products could drive up the demand and hence could help to retain 4.5 million jobs in plastics processing sector. This could also to some extent compensate for the dip in the consumption due to recession. This could also drive up the demand and hence could create additional number of jobs in plastics processing sector. Lower polymer prices could help more than 50,000 plastics processing units in managing their working capital and liquidity issues and therefore will ease their stress and problems to some extent.


--> We strongly recommend ‘NO CHANGE’ in Custom Duty on Polymers
--> MIP should ‘NOT’ be fixed for Polymers

2 Export Incentives 为了在全球市场上保持生存,政府必须宣布非常有吸引力的出口激励措施。MEI可能会撤回约2-3%,并将被减轻关税或税收所取代。但是,这还不够。中国最近将其宣布的激励措施从9%增加到14%。
3 Forward Contracts 许多公司已经针对其出口订单签订了远期合同,并向各自的银行签订了向海外客户提供商品的供应。由于目前的情况,有可能延迟运输,或者可能是取消订单。鉴于同样,如果未取消订单,我们从预定日期开始的三个月内就寻求延长此类合同的时间限制。如果取消订单,则可以取消远期合同,而无需向出口商收取任何费用。这将使出口商能够摆脱这种关键情况
4 工人的工资和工资 该行业已继续前进,并向工人和工资支付了工资,并在2020年3月向员工支付了工资。但是,该行业和专门的MSMES可能无法在2020年4月以后能够应付同样的工资。因此,我们要求政府做一些事情。孟加拉国和加拿大等许多国家已经展示了道路。Esic拥有巨大的卢比储备。9100千万。类似地,PPF基金中有一个巨大的基金。政府。至少应支付2020年4月从ESIC和PPF资金开始的未来3个月工资和工资的50%
5 Electricity Charges

一种。Allow to make payment up to 30.6.2020 for the electricity bills issued during the period from 1.3.2020 to 30.4.2020 without levy of delayed payment surcharge and without effecting disconnections by Distribution licensees in the State.

b。免除所有工业消费者3月和4月的电费收费的最低费用 /固定费用。在3月和2020年4月至2020年期间,仅应从所有此类消费者那里收回消费费用。

C。扩展Rs的补贴。2/ - 每单位的消费费用为1.3.2020至30.9.2020。这将有助于工业机构取消锁定后达到正常状态。


一种。GSTto be paid quarterly and not monthly.

7 Export under essential services 在基本服务下应考虑出口。
8 Plastics Pipes 农业工具和其他农业物品被认为是必不可少的商品。塑料管道系统,微灌溉系统和潜水电缆用于农业使用和饮用水。要求政府处理PVC/ HDPE(塑料管道系统),微灌溉系统和潜水电缆制造活动,以解决农业目的和供水目的以及其供应链活动,作为基本商品。
9 银行业
b。The industry will face massive cash flow and working capital issue once the lock down is over. Therefore, to ease out the finance related pain, RBI should ask Banks to automatically enhance the credit limit (Working Capital loan, CC, BC, LC etc.) of MSMEs by 25% without any additional collaterals.
C。RBI announced a lower Repo Rate but interest rates on CC limits are MCLR linked and reduction is not being passed on immediately as all working capital limits sanctioned have a “reset clause “. The rate is reset only when the limits are renewed or after one year of the original sanction. So this reduction offered by RBI will not be available immediately in normal course to existing loans. Banks should be asked to pass it on immediately to borrowers in view of this pandemic.
d。Inland&Fourse LC的到期,银行正在借记CC帐户。由于未收到收款,帐户就会透支。封锁时,工厂将没有资金开始。银行应为LC提供资金,该LC将于3月20日至4月之间,而不会借记CC帐户。他们应该在12个月的时间内分期付款。这将确保业务流动性。
e. Bank Guarantees: Wherever the banks have taken Fixed Deposits as margin for issuing BG, they should free at least 50% from that fixed deposit or they can give loan up to 50% of the fixed deposit to enhance liquidity.
F。“Buyer’s Credit”: Several banks are not extending the buyer credit facility from last year. RBI should direct them to do so which will help industry import raw materials at competitive prices.
g. One of the ways that Govt. can help is to ask banks to defer collection of term loans by one year without NPA provisions. That means a moratorium on repayments for one year. Will greatly improve cash flow at least to leveraged companies.
h. Delink interest rates to credit ratings for the time being.
10 海关和货运货运的清仓 由于海关工作人员和劳动力短缺而难以清理货物。
No support of truck service centers, cranes, etc., due to lockdown also discourages transports to ply.

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