Lohia机电一体化 卡布拉塑料挤出机械 用于色母粒的复合线 Lohia-tape-plant Hitco remamta reliance-polymers


据Freedonia预测,2014年全球对封顶和关闭的需求将增长4.6%,达到400亿美元。全球制造业产出的增长(这将提高包装需求)、城市化趋势以及产品组合向高附加值封闭产品(如防篡改和配药类型)的转变,将刺激技术进步。在2009年至2014年期间,亚太地区将占总市值增长的五分之二以上。以价值计算,美国是目前世界上最大的瓶盖和瓶盖消费国(2009年占全球需求的近25%),而发展中地区的进步最快。亚洲、非洲/中东地区、中南美洲和东欧的增长速度将超过全球平均水平。工业化趋势和生活水平的提高将刺激这些区域一般不发达的最终用户制造业(例如食品和饮料加工、药品、化妆品和洗漱用品)对瓶盖和瓶盖的需求。以数量计,中国是全球最大的封顶和封顶消费国,它将继续保持一些最快的增长速度。在预测期内,个人收入水平和消费支出的增长,加上城市化趋势,将促进对包装消费品的需求。这些因素将推动中国的封顶和封顶要求,中国商品向更发达的消费经济体的出口也将增加(创造符合国际标准的更高质量包装的需求)。到2014年,印度的封顶和封顶需求也将迅速增长,但增长将来自一个小得多的基数。 Plastic caps and closures, the largest product type, will continue to see above average growth. Demand will benefit from greater use of plastic packaging at the expense of glass bottles and jars (especially in food and beverage applications), as plastic containers typically use plastic caps and closures, while glass bottles and jars often use metal closures. In addition, rising packaging standards in developing regions, due to higher consumer requirements in both local and export markets, will boost demand for value-added plastic caps and closures, such as those offering tamper-evidence, child-resistance, convenience and ease of- dispensing features. Beverages will remain the main consumers of caps and closures, but more rapid gains are expected in smaller markets such as food and pharmaceuticals. While cap and closure demand in the bottled water segment saw double-digit annual growth over the 1999-2009 period, advances will decelerate considerably, in large part due to environmental concerns. Cap and closure demand in the food market will benefit from trends toward convenience-oriented packaged food. This will especially boost demand for plastic closures, including dispensing types. However, competition from flexible packaging, such as pouches (which are generally closure-less), will prevent faster gains.

考虑到吹塑瓶的增长,塑料闭包作为刚性塑料包装市场的一个强劲增长领域并不令人惊讶。根据应用市场信息(AMI)的数据,HDPE的年产量超过2200亿台,在经济衰退之前,产量以每年近6%的速度增长,HDPE单片封装的使用量在此基础上以3个百分点的速度增长。据估计,塑料瓶盖和瓶盖目前在欧洲瓶盖市场的渗透率超过50%,在单位需求方面超过金属瓶盖。同样,与瓶子一样,驱动因素是成本降低和重量轻,这鼓励使用一件式封口而不是两件式封口。虽然标准化的一件式和两件式闭包是闭包业务的基石,但定制闭包在附加值方面为模具制造商提供了更大的机会。他们包括产品,如非标准直径平帽,运动帽,纸箱机制,和袋喷口。这部分市场的增长是由体育关闭的强劲需求,也由进一步发展的38毫米帽和纸箱机制。在欧洲,饮料占塑料瓶盖的三分之二左右,这一业务的驱动因素包括静态饮料(如运动饮料、果汁饮料)的发展,以及单向PET瓶取代罐头和纸盒的日益普及。受东欧对PET瓶需求增长的推动,欧洲对塑料啤酒瓶盖的需求预计也将增长。在非饮料应用领域,液体食品是欧洲塑料瓶盖和瓶盖市场的最大部门。 In this segment, demand will be driven by increased penetration of PET bottles in dairy applications, and by growing substitution of glass packaging by plastic containers in tabletop sauces, preserves, baby food, cooking sauces and dehydrated and snack products. The development of heat-stable PET barrier containers is opening new markets to plastic closures, such as juices, preserves, pickles, cooking sauces, soups and baby food, which are traditionally packed in glass containers and sealed with steel vacuum closures. Further opportunities lie in cold-fill applications such as honey. There will be an increasingly apparent geographical divergence in strategy in Europe. In Eastern Europe, investment will focus on mass production of standard beverage closures to serve the global brands as they move eastwards, while market maturity will steer Western Europe toward de-standardization through developments in custom 38-mm closures, sports caps and high-performance, lightweight caps for carbonated drinks. Innovation and a sustainable differential advantage will lie at the center of strategies over the next five years, focused on improved functionality, convenience and modernity. Consolidation in this sector is even greater than in blow molding, with the top 10 manufacturers accounting for around 60% of polymer usage for closures. The industry is expected to concentrate further in the future as a result of consolidation among the brand owners; the higher levels of R&D and technical expertise required in plastic closure development; the requirement for quality standardization on a pan-European if not global basis; and growing competition from closure manufacturers outside EU-27. AMI�s research suggest that the sector could lose up to 150 companies over the next five years in an industry that currently involves as many as 500 manufacturers across Europe.

根据Frost & Sullivan的说法,虽然对化学容器实施的安全规定正在提高儿童抗闭包的使用,但闭包的用户友好性正在促进食品和调味品相关应用中的配药闭包的使用。塑料瓶盖在这两个应用领域的使用不断扩大,提振了整个塑料瓶盖和瓶盖市场。甲型H1N1流感等流行病的发病率不断上升,促使人们更多地使用个人护理和家庭清洁产品以及药品,这反过来又增加了对个人电脑、HIC和药品的需求。研究发现,2009年该市场的收入为37亿美元,预计2016年将达到42.6亿美元。食品和调味品市场从机构市场向杂货店市场的转变对塑料瓶盖和封盖市场来说是个好兆头。类似地,热填充应用的产品开发将导致用塑料盖代替金属盖。万博平台盘口随着不断上升的热量水平导致瓶装水的消耗增加,用于瓶装水应用的瓶盖已经开始占用单元瓶盖的最大容量。直到十年前,碳酸软饮料(CSD)市场一直是北美塑料瓶盖的主要消费者。然而,随着美国人越来越注重健康,更喜欢水、调味饮料和果汁而不是CSD, CSD塑料瓶盖和瓶盖的需求大幅下降。随着北美市场的饱和,CSD瓶盖制造商应将重点转移到新的地理区域。 Mexicans are currently consuming large volumes of CSDs and thus, creating huge potential for CSD closures in this country. Existing manufacturers in the United States and Canada could look at this region to compensate for the inadequate demand for CSD closures in their nations.

在区域基础上,亚洲已经占每年年度总收盘量的最大份额为36%,相当于约3750亿个单位,根据加拿大的报告。集体,美洲合并为期4000亿以下,欧洲约有2500亿,世界其他地区左右。不仅亚洲已经是最大的关闭销售市场,而且它的增长最快,年增长率为2003年至2015年的增长率,投入高于7% - 全球平均水平加倍。北美和西欧成熟的市场已经产生了巨大的增长,前者每年加入每年左右,后者只有0.2%到2010年,尤其是对于瓶装水,已经减速了。预计北美预计在西欧成熟的CAGR签订合同(0.2%),而在2015年至2015年的较大阶段的壮观幅度较小,也会在西欧获得谦虚的年度增长。拉丁美洲,东欧和世界其他地区将在每年3%的地区看到固体增长,但在每一案件中,这将代表年度到2010年的年度平均进展的下降。在2010年销售的1055年Bln饮料封口的年度增长率下降,58%的软饮料为软饮料,啤酒31%,乳制品饮料仅为11%。在每个部门中,在没有封闭的情况下销售了大量产品 - 在软饮料和啤酒中,贸易分配在乳制品中发挥着重要作用和乳制品,小袋和非正式牛奶在发展中国家突出。在关闭需求方面,每个部门在2003年至2010年期间表现出积极的总体增长,预计将继续这样做,啤酒为同样的速度,CAGR为2.7%,乳制品平均略微降低 - 4.1多年来,%PA对2010年至2010年的4.7% - 略微增强的软饮料略微增强 - 4.1%抵制3.9%。虽然由于区域甚至是国家的区分,但由于区域甚至是国家的区分,难以在宏观层面上推广,但对于每个部门而言,支撑这些趋势的因素是不同的。在牛奶中,袋装到纸箱和塑料瓶的转化对较大尺寸的影响,在软饮料方面,继续渴望更加便利将看到更小的包装出现,同时在啤酒上瓶子和尺寸的预期均匀 understood by consumers - 330 ml, 500 ml, 660 ml being the most common - and changes to closure demand may be more associated with conversion between pack types than changes in the pack sizes offered to consumers.

合成葡萄酒软木塞,喷涂泵,用于除臭辊的盖子,管帽等封闭件通常只有小部分,但却完全是一个明显的增长市场,而且在过去的一年里,在欧洲销售了200多个Bln塑料封口,60超过十年的开始。Ceresana Research预计将以平均速度增长为2.3%的PA直到2017年。欧洲塑料封闭的收入从1.7 Bln每年增加到超过2 Bln的欧元。盖帽和封闭件的制造商以及塑料和添加剂的相应机器和供应商的生产商将主要从塑料包装的使用增加,以便食品和饮料的使用。聚丙烯和聚乙烯越来越多地用于封闭。在饮料行业的某些子系群中可以特别看到显着的增长,例如啤酒,酸奶,奶制品和运动饮料。塑料盖和封闭件的生产和消费是俄罗斯,波兰和土耳其的最大增长。东欧的制造商以高于全部投资的标准化产品,例如PET瓶的螺钉。相比之下,西欧的生产者专注于例如具有密封件和内置的药物的复杂封闭系统,用于药物。光学特性,如透明度和光泽,尤其在化妆品包装中发挥着重要作用











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